About This Blog

The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Highlights

So the end is near. Next week is my last week of bonding with Matias. After that I will be returning to work and he will be starting daycare. What this means for my plans with this blog is that there are only 6 posts left after this one. One each week day next week by me and on Friday two posts: one by Alegna and one by me. For this post I wanted to do something different.

First, I wanted to thank you, the reader. If you are reading this post you are one of the few faithful that has lasted for almost two months. I know sometimes it wasn't as interesting, but every day I made the effort to post a little something because I kept seeing people coming back. If it wasn't for you I would have given up. Blogger provides stats for your blog. You can see how many people have been reading your posts and where these people come from. I was surprised that about 200 people started reading my first few posts. I didn't expect that to last, and it didn't but I'm pretty happy that I am at a stable 50 to 60 people reading my new posts every day. I feel fortunate to have 50 people that are interested in me and my family enough to spend a couple of minutes reading something that I wrote.

I have also been surprised about the worldwide reach of this blog. I was expecting most of my readers to come from either the US or Venezuela. I know people in many European and Latin American countries too. But when I look at the top ten countries all time reading my blog I was surprised to find Ireland and Japan for example. Here is the top ten if you are curious:

  1. US
  2. Venezuela
  3. Canada
  4. UK
  5. Spain
  6. Ireland
  7. Costa Rica
  8. Germany
  9. Italy
  10. Japan
Finally, I wanted to make this post a little interactive. If you are reading this go ahead and comment below what your favorite post was or just say hi or whatever comes to your mind. I will take the time to personally thank each one of you. My favorite posts to write were: The Serenity Now, The Vinciguerra Boys, The Seven, The Visa, The Revenge and The Airport

What did I watch?
Sisters: An early Brian De Palma film that was clearly made as a tribute to Hitchcock. It is a good thriller with some good acting. I really liked the split screen he uses for some scenes to show what is happening at the same time in two different places. The dream sequence was good too.


  1. I read every single one of your posts and my favorite one was the one you called Alegna for help bc you were sick. It shows the human side of parenthood and the collaborative part of a marriage. I know "muy cursi".

    1. Thank you Lulu! I have noticed you were one of the biggest supporters. I think you are referring to The Chinese Restaurant post.

  2. I might be the one skewing the numbers towards Japan...


    1. Hey Oscar! I think you are the only person I know in Japan so that is why I was surprised it was in the top 10. There must be someone else too haha. Thanks for reading!

  3. A mi encanto te felicito buena narrativa que mantiene al lector interesado en lo que está por venir. Y el sonriente Matías facilitando las cosas.
    Hay una película de Brian de Palma que no me recuerdo como se llama pero es un tipo que ve el asesinato de una chica desde su ventana no se si ahora mantendrá el suspenso en mi época me pareció desesperante.

    1. Gracias Angela! Una de las lectoras mas fieles. Todas las noches estaba seguro que cuando em levantara al menos tu y mi mama habrian leido mi post :). La pelicula que describes me suan a Rear Window pero es de Alfred Hitchcock. Si es esa el suspenso si se mantiene todavia, es una de las peliculas mejor hechas en la historia en mi opinion.

  4. Voy a extrañar mucho esta lectura de mis noches, me encanto ver cómo pudiste sobrevivir sin problemas a este reto , me siento muy orgullosa de ver en el papá que te has convertido
    No sé cuál de todos me gustó más , cada día había algo nuevo y eso me parece tan difícil
    Los felicito a los dos por ser excelentes padres
    Los quiero muchísimo

    1. Gracias ma! Todo lo que soy lo aprendi de ti y mi papa. Si fue dificil inventar algo nuevo todos los dias, pero al final salia algo.

  5. Definitivamente THE AIRPORT... sin desperdicio... yo tambien voy a extrañar estos posts, tienes que inventar algo nuevo y hacer alguna publicacion al menos una vez a la semana para saber de nuestros bellos Matias y Lucas. LQMMMMMMM

    1. Gracias tio! Jaja no se si voy a seguir, como esta cuadrado ahora va a quedar en 50 posts exactos. Lo que estoy pensando es ver si lo imprimo en un libro para tenerlo de recuerdo en fisico tambien.

    2. Obviamente el del The Airport! Creo que ha sido con el que más me he reído, además que nosotras tuvimos un pequeño rol en ese con la despedida de soltera! :)

    3. Gracias Kareem! Y a Nanu tambien esto fue su idea!
