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The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Barber

Matias had his first haircut today. I really don't like baby hair, specially when it starts to get all patchy, so I had been insisting for a while that we should just shave it off. When Lucas was 3 months old we did it for him. Today, the time finally came and Alegna buzzed off all of Matias hair. He looks really different but cute. His big eyes look way bigger now, but I think that is a good thing because they are his best attributes. He smiled through the whole haircut as you all probably predicted now that you have read my description of his character in my previous posts.

It also seems that Matias has started to roll over. Last night I found him facing down and a couple of minutes ago I found him this way again. It is very mysterious because he is in his swaddle, it probably takes a lot of effort to roll over all wrapped up like he is. It makes me laugh to imagine him going through the motions and effort to actually roll over like this. I can picture the sounds he probably makes while he does this.

On other news, Lucas hit Matias for the first time today. Lucas has a toy poke ball that he carries around in the house sometimes. Matias was crying because he was hungry, Alegna was preparing his bottle and I wasn't around either so Lucas just decided to throw the plastic poke ball right at Matias's head. Matias started crying really loud from the pain. All I heard was the plastic poke ball hitting something and then a loud wail. I came to find Lucas just staring at his brother with a concerned look. It was easy to figure out he had thrown the toy at his head. Alegna had a talk with him and asked him why had he done that, while I was feeding Matias his bottle. He said his reason was because Matias was crying. Alegna explained that he should have tried to calm him down with kisses and hugs instead of with a poke ball to the head. He came back looking really sad and asked Matias for forgiveness. Matias was feeding so he just smiled back at him.

Tonight we had the chance to go out just me and Alegna. We had dinner and a movie while my parents watched our kids. It was a nice night out.

What did I Watch?
Dunkirk: You can tell it's a Christopher Nolan film and not just because Tom Hardy was in it. I really liked it, we saw it in an IMAX theater so technically it was captivating. All World War II movies are eventually compared to the best of them all, but although this is not at the level of Saving Private Ryan, it is the movie that has come the closest to it.


  1. Now Matías looks like the little Buda with big eyes so cute!!

  2. La cinematografia de Dunkirk es espectacular, pero no te pareció algo fría la historia? como que le faltaba ese extra que te hace querer a los personajes, que te importen si mueren o si regresan a Inglaterra....técnicamente es una pieza maestra pero Le falto ese algo extra que tiene saving private Ryan...

  3. good luck with the whole "why did you do that" approach...might be a little while (or asking the question a different way)...felicity is just now starting to understand that concept instead of just repeating why she shouldn't do something when we ask her why she did it in the first place.

  4. "Because pokemon are silent when they are in their balls, duh." Seems like a perfectly acceptable action, given the circumstances. Lucas put Pokemon and crying-baby together. Kudos to him. And Matias learned to take a whack to the head and keep smiling. Kudos to him, too. All around a good day!
