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The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what they call "bonding leave". The policy consists of giving a new parent eight weeks, fully paid, to spend with a new born or newly adopted child the first year of his/her life. So basically for a man it works as paternity leave and for a woman eight extra weeks added to the maternity leave. The US is not characterized by their great child bonding policies so it is probably close to the best you can get. In my opinion it is actually better than what my wife got. Even though she had to go through the whole child birth effort all she got was a fully paid week of vacation, four weeks of 75% pay and another 4 unpaid weeks. All I did was stand there next to her saying breathe a couple of times and I get fully paid 8 weeks??

So my wife, Alegna, is getting back to work tomorrow, after three months of great childcare, and leaving all the baby responsibilities for the next two months to me. These past three months since Matias was born I have been mostly a tourist. I helped with some diapers and bottles but most of the work was done by my wife. It has been tough on her and she has taken it like a champion. Now, it is my turn to keep my end of the bargain. Two months off work with the responsibility of all house chores, late night feedings, cooking and all that my wife has accomplished until now. I have been practicing the past couple of nights to get used to the schedule. It's going to be tough! But my plan is to make the most of it: the Summer of Armando!

My plan is to have short daily posts with some interesting details of what might have happened on that day. Is it going to be interesting? I have no idea. I'll try to mix it up a little, I'm a big movie buff with a DVR full of TCM movies that I expect to watch. I'll be taking walks around the neighborhood to see if I can catch some Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Go into the twitter black hole every once in a while trying to filter real news from fake news coming from the Venezuelan protests. But mostly, I'll try to survive doing something I have a little experience doing (I also have a 3 year old named Lucas) and try to enjoy it as much as I can.

Please feel free to comment on my posts to give me real feedback like: "This sucks!" or "You suck!" And if you are really curious you can even sign up to receive email notifications whenever I post something new by adding your email on the right where it says "Follow By Email".

Well that's it for today, wish me luck, for tomorrow begins the Summer of Armando!


  1. Excelente iniciativa, estaré pendiente de tus nuevas publicaciones. Te deseo mucha suerte y te aconsejo tengas muuuuuuuuuuuuuchaaaaaaaaaaaa paciencia. TQMMMMMMM

  2. El comentario me salio por la cuenta de green energy, sorry... es tu Tio Julio

  3. In the words of King Theoden in the Battle of Helm's Deep: "So it begins"

  4. you are awesoooomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Post pictures of the big failures you are going to make, they'll be funny!

  5. I'm very sorry but this will be your first and last post

    1. Hello Patty! Can you please elaborate on this comment? Is it a prediction, a wish, a curse, a threat? I'm curious.

  6. Me parece muy bueno que puedas probar esa experiencia Armado, espero que la disfrutes porque el tiempo de los chamos pasa muy rápido, así que gózatelo al máximo. Saludos.-

  7. Thank you all for your support I really appreciate it!

  8. Realmente creo q no tendrás tiempo ni ganas de publicar muchas cosas jajajaja pero ojala que si!!! Que privilegio tienes y que privilegio tendran tus hijos de tener 8 semanas de "quality time" con su papi, aprovechalas al maximo!!!

  9. You suck! There...I said it. I had 4 kids and got a total of zero days bonding leave. And they're better for it I suspect. Not coddled and whiney and spoiled like their "special" peers. Instead of bonding leave and Paw Patrol, we should show the kids reruns of Shameless so they see how good they have it. I'm somewhere between Mark Twain (we both have 3 daughters) and Frank Gallagher. “See kids, it could be SO MUCH WORSE!”
    In any event, my wife has done the bulk of the child rearing, which is undoubtedly for the best. And since I'll be taking 8 weeks off this summer myself (see you in October!), I suppose I really can't complain all that much.
    I'll have to console myself with visions of Matias headbutting you in the huevos. Enjoy THAT George...i mean Armando.

    1. This is the funniest comment in the bog by far! Keep them coming!
