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The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Good Samaritan

What a day! If every day is like today this is going to be a breeze. I got ambitious today, yesterday I trod cautiously into the unknown but today I went all in. The day started with a 3 AM feeding, these seem to be quick and easy, Matias is half asleep but he drinks his bottle pretty quickly. Then I'm able to get some sleep until 7:30 when both Matias and Lucas get up. Lucas's request for breakfast is more traditional today: toast with butter and jam, some cereal to snack on and a superman yogurt. I open the fridge and realize we are running out of groceries so I decide I'm going to risk it and go to the supermarket after dropping Lucas at daycare. I feed Matias while Lucas finishes his breakfast, we all get dressed and leave.

After dropping Lucas off I get to the Stop and Shop that is nearby. Here I run into my first challenge, where do I set Matias? He is too small for the shopping cart seat and there is no way I can push the cart and a stroller at the same time. I decide to set him in his car seat inside the shopping cart, there is not a lot of space for groceries now but I can work around it. I glance at the shopping list I requested from Alegna on my phone, memorize it and get to work. I get everything I need, pay up and go back to my parked car. I put all the groceries on the trunk and set Matias's car seat in the back. One of my biggest pet peeves in a supermarket parking lot is people not returning their carts on the designated areas. So I run to the area with my cart while Matias is locked in the car for about 30 seconds, but when I get back I see this woman walking by my car looking at the inside of it with a judgmental look. I get all paranoid thinking she's going to go full "Good Samaritan" on me and call the cops accusing me of locking my child in the heat while I was shopping. I quickly realize that I have a good alibi, the cashier saw me with Matias at the store and she commented on how cute he was, she surely must remember him and clarify I did nothing wrong. Luckily the woman keeps walking and gets on her car to leave. I leave too with some relief.

But now I'm brave. I successfully managed a trip to the supermarket! So what else do I do? After I feed Matias again I decide to be efficient with my time, so I cook some rice while I fill out the dishwasher. Another two chores done! I go eat while watching a movie for my deserved break. Finally, I get greedy and do some laundry. I go through two loads of washer and dryer. I'm so proud that I still have some time left with Matias for his daily exercises and tummy time.

Alegna and Lucas get here and now I can show off. My wife says "Big Deal!" you are just doing what you are supposed to be doing. Still I think this was a good day. I even had time to post twice for the first time!

What did I watch?
Il Sorpasso: Great movie! Vittorio Gassman plays one of the best comedy characters I have seen in my life, everything that came out of his mouth made me laugh out loud. This is one of the biggest representatives of a film movement in the 60s and 70s in Italy called commedia all'italiana. The ending is pretty tragic though.

Make sure you vote on the poll located to the right (Below Jerry Seinfeld's head) before tomorrow at noon. With this new feature you get to decide what movie I'm going to watch tomorrow afternoon.


  1. Great day!! I do think 'toast with butter and jam' is a pretty low quality breakfast for a child. It is high in sugar and empty calories, it is not really food. I would rather focus on proteins, vegetables, natural fat (e.g., avocado). Get some inspiration in human life BEFORE the agricultural revolution ;)

    1. Ernesto, you should start a parallel blog about the twins! I bet you would outpace Armando in terms of followers :-) like old good times, competing again.

    2. Haha good advice but vegetables for breakfast are not going to happen on my watch! He'll get his proteins and good food the rest of the day, I'll choose my battles and give him a break in the morning.

  2. This is your bff from high school, your lobster. I wanted to ask whether you also folded the laundry or you just tossed everything into washer + dryer? Also, make it sound too easy, as if Matias did not poop, pee, cry, make noise, or played any significant role except for tummy time. Either way, Kudos to Alegna for going back to work! I bet she did the hard work of pumping and leaving the supply for you?

    1. Lulu! Thanks for your comment! I did fold the laundry of course! It does sound easy but I think I big part of it is Matias, he is a champ that never complains unless he is hungry. He is just a happy and quiet kid. Pooping, peeing and crying don't really bother me anymore after three years experience with Lucas.

  3. Well done!!now you can write to Stop & Shop about having shopping cart where you can adapt the baby seat for easy shopping

  4. I despise people who are too lazy to bring their shopping cart to the stalls or back to the store. Yeah, i grew up in NY not MA, it's only a carriage when you put a baby in it...which you did. Whatever. Next time get a Baby Bjorn and wear your baby like a good millenial.
    Who the heck feeds their babies vegetables for breakfast? That's disappointment for the kid and a quick path to a smelly diaper - read "negative calories". Don't listen to new age quacks! Sugary cereal and whole milk was good enough for us, it's good enough for our kids. AV, you're killing it as a homemaker/babysitter. Don't let the women disparage your Herculean accomplishments!! Have them watch Mr. Mom (or Shameless) for some perspective.
