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The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Handicap Spot

This one is going to be a rant. I come from a country where no one respects the rules. I like order and things done right so this made me extremely unhappy. In Venezuela I was a grouch. When I moved to the USA all my grouchiness suddenly disappeared. Here rules are enforced and though sometimes some people try to get a away with breaking them, most of the time they get caught and punished. But every once in a while there is an idiot that reminds me of the third world.

Today's idiot is a parent from Lucas's daycare. In the parking lot there are 4 handicapped spaces that no one really uses, they are always empty. But this guy, he always parks in them. I have checked many times he does not have the handicap tags and he looks perfectly alright. I saw him again this morning and I am probably over-reacting but it really bugs me. He is not really hurting any one, those parking spaces are unused and he gets back to his car in probably 10 minutes after he drops off his kids. But in principle it is wrong. I'm struggling to carry Matias in his car seat and Lucas on my hand, crossing the parking lot carefully. But Mr. Big Shot just parks wherever he wants.

What should I do? I want to confront him next time I see him. Should I just let the center director know? Just let it be? He's not really hurting anyone, except probably his kids that observe that some rules might not need to be obeyed.

Friday Movie
I decided to move the poll to Wednesday's post so everyone has time to vote during Thursday and Friday morning. Here are my selections for this week:
  • The Misfits: A western starring Marylin Monroe and Clark Gable and it was the last movie both ever made as Gable died before it was released and Monroe a year later.
  • Birdman of Alcatraz: The true story of Robert Stroud a very violent prisoner that ended up in solitary confinement and became a prominent ornithologist.
  • Head: A psychedelic 60s movie starring The Monkees written by Jack Nicholson.
  • High Society: A musical with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly. It also has many famous jazz musicians contributing to the soundtrack.
  • The Emigrants: A swedish film about the struggles of a group emigrating to the United States.
Please vote, the poll is located on the top right corner right below Jerry Seinfeld's face.

What did I watch?
Have Rocket, Will Travel: A 3 stooges movie that I thought would make me laugh but it just made me cringe. I don't know if it is because I have outgrown them or if the movie is actually that terrible. 


  1. La próxima vez que lo haga tomale foto y envíala a la policía y deja que ellos se encarguen.

    Vote por Head (creo que tienes que verla con un poco de ayuda de algún psicotropico)


  2. Drop an anonymous tip to either the director or the cops

  3. jajajajajaj tambien pienso como tu tio Julio.......

  4. Pienso igual que tu tio Julio....
    y que tal Matias y Lucas hoy ????

  5. "We will now have the Airing of the Grievances."

    I'm George's father...the old guy who stands on the front lawn yelling at everyone to SLOW THE HELL DOWN! I live on a 25 mph street and people frequently drive 45 or more. I fantasize about pushing anvils out of trees...like The Road Runner onto poor Mr Coyote. Maybe it's a good thing kids don't watch the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner hour anymore.

    I would call the town police department non-emergency number and tell them you have an excellent revenue opportunity for them ;)
    Going all passive-aggressive on his ego would be fun, too. "Gee Mr Dickwad, I really hope your disability is getting better. Will you ever be able to park in the normal spaces again like the rest of us?" or "I didn't realize people with your disability were allowed to drive by themselves."

    The only movie there i haven't seen is The Emigrants. And Swedish girls are easy on the eyes. Of course, Grace Kelly fits that description also. Just my opinion, but The Philadelphia Story with Kathrine Hepburn & Cary Grant is SO MUCH BETTER than the crappy Bing Crosby musical version.

    I have more grievances though...
