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The Summer of Armando

My name is Armando, a Venezuelan living in Massachusetts and I work for a company that offers a few great benefits. One of them is what the...

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Couch

Today was a rainy day. The kind of rainy day that makes you not want to do anything at all. We woke up early but I was in no rush. I saw through my window all that heavy rain and decided to wait until it got a little better so the trip to the daycare wouldn't be that bad. I let Lucas play with his toys after breakfast and joined him for a while while Matias was napping. At around 9:30 I saw the rain getting a little lighter so I got the kids dressed and left for daycare. My plan for today was to go to the grocery store, but the weather is not really motivating me so I decide to go home.

Alegna calls me, she has been getting sicker over the weekend and now she is in bad shape. She's coming back early from work. Matias and I have done absolutely nothing today but sit on the couch. It's been a lazy rainy day and we are taking full advantage of it. I believe he is starting to teeth because he keeps sucking at his hands and his pacifier. He has also been a little restless and wants to be on my arms more than usual. But when I'm holding him he is all smiles. It has been a very unproductive day but we have taken complete advantage of it to make it a good day, just the two of us hanging out on the couch

Tomorrow I will have to pick up everything I left undone on this off-day. I need to do some laundry and go to the supermarket. Let's hope the weather is more motivating than today's.

What did I watch?
The Revenge of Frankenstein: I think I like the Universal monster movies more than the Hammer ones, but this one was a completely new take on the Frankenstein story, starting with that there is no Frankenstein monster in it. From my experience Universal had great monster movies like Dracula, Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, but the sequels kept getting worse until something as bad as House of Frankenstein came out. The Hammer movies are a little bit more consistent, they are all of equal quality, but none are really great.

The Paradine Case: It is a Hitchcock movie, you realize this in the first few minutes, even before his cameo. It's not one of his best though, but I can see why he was attracted to this story. I was more interested in the story arc of the lawyer ruining his career and marriage on account of his infatuation with his client rather than with the trial and discovering who was the murderer.

1 comment:

  1. Felicitaciones por tener un niño tan relajado en verdad parte de esa confianza se debe a los padres.Ayer le comenté a Alegna que esa lluvia era el calentamiento global y me dijo que eso le daba mucho estrés porque cuando era pequeña Arturo y yo la torturabamos (Esa fue su palabra) porque yo tenía un reloj que tenia como unas plaquitas con la hora y que siempre que se ponía en 00:00 Yo le decia que esa era la hora cero y el mundo se iba a acabar. Yo no me acuerdo, Arturo tampoco pero si es algo que hubiera dicho por lo gracioso del reloj. Ahora me dice que por mi culpa cuando oye la palabra calentamiento global cree que mundo se va a acabar y piensa en la hora '0". Te lo cuento porque aunque los relojes son diferentes y los niños no creen en cualquier cosa no te vaya a pasar con Lucas y Matías.
